Back in the day the local body could have taken that KH, converted the congregation, and started a new church.
Today, the KH most likely belongs to the WTS and the local brothers who paid for it are powerless to do run it the way they choose.
here in the uk over the last couple of years i hear more about people leaving/being removed due to apostasy?
do you think this is true or is it because my radar is up and listening?.
Back in the day the local body could have taken that KH, converted the congregation, and started a new church.
Today, the KH most likely belongs to the WTS and the local brothers who paid for it are powerless to do run it the way they choose.
i knew jws that watched cinderella and sleeping beauty ,snow white ,wizard of oz etc so why arnt they allowed to watch the more modern films with "magic" and "wizardery"in them?
it makes no sense , did anyone ever question that ?
on a different note i remember it being announced that the full monty was banned (you dont even see anything )lol.
I don't get it, either.
They don't even approve of movies where the good guy is fighting AGAINST demons. HELLO! Isn't that what your Bible hero is all about doing? Why not ban the Bible then?
It's ridiculous.
here in the uk over the last couple of years i hear more about people leaving/being removed due to apostasy?
do you think this is true or is it because my radar is up and listening?.
Six in one congregation? Holy cow, how many elders did they have left afterwards?
so an old jw friend just contacted me on facebook to tell me to check out some new article on not grieving jehovah's holy spirit--he said everyone was talking about it and that i should check it out.
he knows i've been inactive, and this is the first time he's contacted me in years.. of course, he's known to get excited about things quite easily, especially in his manic states (bipolar).. anyway, does anyone know the article of which he was talking about?
probably just a bunch of gobbledygook, but i thought it would be funny to read the latest gb tirade..
I find it laughable that The Almighty gives a rat's ass about what music we listen to.
i have never gotten a good answer for this questions from any other jw's other than "everyone was of the annointed back in the first century" or "we are showing our respect for the arrangement" or some other nondescript comment.. even the notion that we "celebrate" the memorial is not accurate since the "celebration" part is limited to 8 or 9 thousand people and the 15 million or so that attend are merely observing or watching.. is there some other biblical support for people to observe the celebration ???
in all my life as a jw, i still don't quite understand the significance of it from a biblical persective.. rub a dub .
Mad .....
Not to belabor the point, but according to the 2010 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, worldwide attendance at the 2009 celebration of the Memorial was 18,168,323.
They're just the observers. The eating and drinking is done by around 11,000 people, not 8 or 9 thousand. It's been going up, up, up.
i recieved this information from lawrence hughes to me at
please read and join us for this.
..............................ruth baker aka mary at volunteer.
I'm still relatively new here (three or four months), so may I ask why "especially pertaining to Lawrence"? Did he abuse the privilege in the past or something?
it's very interesting comparing things that are removed.
for one, new world order and new world, new order, all being eliminated from everything.
just research nwo, "new world order", etc, to see.
What's happening in 2014?
It's the Centennial of The Kingdom! The Millennial Reign of Christ will be 10% over but still invisible. It has to have some psychological impact on some JWs.
i have never gotten a good answer for this questions from any other jw's other than "everyone was of the annointed back in the first century" or "we are showing our respect for the arrangement" or some other nondescript comment.. even the notion that we "celebrate" the memorial is not accurate since the "celebration" part is limited to 8 or 9 thousand people and the 15 million or so that attend are merely observing or watching.. is there some other biblical support for people to observe the celebration ???
in all my life as a jw, i still don't quite understand the significance of it from a biblical persective.. rub a dub .
There is no scriptural support for observing and not participating.
And the number is closer to 11,000, btw.
so an old jw friend just contacted me on facebook to tell me to check out some new article on not grieving jehovah's holy spirit--he said everyone was talking about it and that i should check it out.
he knows i've been inactive, and this is the first time he's contacted me in years.. of course, he's known to get excited about things quite easily, especially in his manic states (bipolar).. anyway, does anyone know the article of which he was talking about?
probably just a bunch of gobbledygook, but i thought it would be funny to read the latest gb tirade..
How did I know before reading any of this thread that the WT article would mention Matt 24:45 and the FDS?
my mother told me of the co giving a talk and telling everyone to get their hankies out because they would be sure to cry, which evidently some did.. a 5 year old boy was dying in the hospital and his parents were by his bedside.
he was drifting in and out of consciousness and then he opened up his eyes and asked his mother if he was a catholic.
the mom told her son he was not.
The guilt I feel daily for raising my child in that cult may never leave me. I work daily to undo the damage but it's so ingrained. Stories like this, even though they're fabricated, make me want to puke because I can imagine my child thinking similar thoughts.